First, just let me say THANK YOU to the bestest friend in the whole world, Sherpa Katy. Since Dave was gone for the weekend Katy tagged along and we had a blast. She may have even convinced herself to do a tri next summer. I had nothing to do with it, I swear *evilgrin*
Ok, race report:
Overall I had a good time at this race. It was well supported, there were lots of spectators, the volunteers were awesome, and there was an espresso stand at the race expo.
Swim: 1/3 mile, 12:56, 2:13/100yd
Ugh. Still not thrilled. I hyperventilated at the very beginning (again) and had issues the whole way (again). Fortunately since then, with the help of Scott & Sam, I have figured my breathing issues out. I also got kicked, grabbed and generally smacked around more in this swim than any other. An all womens race - the claws were out!! One of my goals for this race was to have a great swim, and that didn't happen, but I tried to push that out of my mind as soon as I was out of the lake.
That being said, Liberty Lake is a fantastic lake to swim in. Fairly clean water, despite the fact that you swim through the marina, very little seaweed (which I swam through without panicking -wooho! ) and the water was really warm.
Nothing spectacular. Lots of people cheering when I left on the run - kinda cool when people you don't know are screaming their heads off for you.
Run: 2.9 miles, 28:03, 9:21/mile
Overall, very satisfied with the run. I had legs the entire time, which makes me think I probably could have pushed harder on the bike. The run course was nice, but HOT, and there was something in the bushes making hissing/buzzing noises, which made me nervous. Got to run past 3 of the million golf courses on a paved trail, which was nice. They also had water stands set up at every mile, which seemed to make the run go faster, and since we were running through a residential area people were out in their frontyards with hoses offering to spray us down as we ran by. Very nice.
I managed to pass quite a few people in my age group, and even held off two of them for the last mile which was quite a challenge. Not because they were fast, but because I was starting to hurt. Apparently I had more left in the tank because I had a really good sprint through the finish chute which was about a block long.
Congrats! It looks like so much fun. I probably should have gotten myself in gear and done one this year, but all that marathon training did me in. I am running/biking/swimming for pleasure and exercise only lately- no training. Next year for sure though.